OrganizersBechir Ben Lahouel (IPAG Business School) Anna Creti (Paris Dauphine University - PSL): Co-Editor of Energy Economics Julien Chevallier (University of Paris VIII Vincennes Saint-Denis & IPAG Business School)
Stéphane Goutte (University Paris-Saclay, UMI SOURCE): Senior Editor of Energy Policy (JEPO), Senior Editor of Finance Research Letters (FRL), Associate Editor of International Review of Financial Analysis (IRFA), Subject Editor of Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (JIFMIM), Associate Editor of Research in International Business and Finance (RIBAF) and Editor in Chief of World Scientific Series on Energy and Environmental Finance (WSSEEF) Duc Khuong Nguyen (IPAG Business School & VNU International School): Editor of Annals of Operations Research, Associate Editor of International Review of Financial Analysis, and Finance Research Letters; Subject Editor of Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, and Emerging Markets Review; Area Editor of Research in International Business and Finance; Department Editor of Journal of Forecasting.
Ingmar Schumacher (IPAG Business School): Co-Editor of Environmental and Resource Economics
Climate Econimics Chair (University Paris Dauphine - PSL) Launched in October 2010, the Climate Economics Chair is designed to be a research platform recognized academically and open to the economic and political world. Its research program, validated by an international scientific committee, is focused on the economics of climate change. The Chair has set as a priority the training of young researchers by hosting trainees, and doctoral and post-doctoral students from various backgrounds. It is also a place for debate between researchers and actors of the professional world, where our team will be pleased to welcome you.
UMI SOURCE (University of Paris Saclay) The UMI SOURCE (Joint International Research Unit SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE) is a multidisciplinary laboratory (economics and geography) between the IRD and the UVSQ, with partners from Côte d'Ivoire, Madagascar and Senegal. UMI SOURCE occupies a complementary and original position in Paris-Saclay, through the integration of Southern partners in the scientific council of the unit, through its focus on multidimensional studies of development, the environment, and sustainable development. , as well as through the practice of a pluralist economy. The research work of the UMI SOURCE mobilizes the disciplinary knowledge of economics and geography, and their tools in a sustained dialogue within the economic discipline as well as with the other social sciences. The research work carried out in teams and in partnership is part of an approach in terms of the political economy of development and the environment, taking into account the contexts, the actors, the geographical scales and the dynamics. UMI SOURCE is recognized nationally and internationally for its research and expertise work carried out as a team and in partnership on its themes and fields.
IPAG Center for Energy Economics (ICEE) at IPAG Business School IPAG is a business school established in 1965 as a private organization under the association law of 1901. The diploma of school is recognized up to Bac+ 5 and Master Grade by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, which involves: regular quality checks carried out by State agencies, independence, and moderation from juries, widely regarded degree at level M2 throughout Europe. The ICEE is part of the IPAG Research Department which focuses on the development of theoretical and empirical methods to support business and policy decision-making. The research activities are structured around the following four areas:
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